Building a solid body and mind have always been two of Ara’s most important focuses. For as long as he can remember, he worked hard to overcome physical and mental challenges and strived to learn, grow, and get stronger. He has helped hundreds of adults and athletes achieve their fitness goals since 2008. He opened The Strong DNA in 2020 during the pandemic to build a strong and healthy community. He has built an excellent reputation based on his work ethic, character, loyalty to his clients, and dedication to improving himself as a coach. Ara is also a Kinesiology professor at Los Angeles City College, and he shares his years of experience with the next generation.
Ara Keshishian
Ph.D. Candidate at Concordia University of Chicago in Exercise Science for Sport Leadership and Human Performance.
NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist
APC: Applied Performance Coach
Functional Movement Screen – FMS1
VBT – Velocity Based Training Certified Coach
CFSC: Certified Functional Strength Coach
NSPA – Certified Program Design Specialist
PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery certified Coach
Master of Science in Exercise Science & Health Promotion; Performance Enhancement & Injury Prevention
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
Precision Nutrition Level I Certified Nutritionist
National Association of Speed and Explosion Certified Coach
Rock Tape FMT Performance Certified
DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Master Trainer
Strong First Elite (Kettlebell, Barbell, Bodyweight)
TRX Course Instructor
My name is Lucy! I am one of the coaches at The Strong DNA. My passion is to help people become stronger and to learn that they can still exercise even with injuries. In my entire life, I have always been very active. At an early age, I started swimming and became a professional swimmer. After high school, I focused on interval training, and after a few years, I became a spinning instructor, but I always felt that something was missing till I began strength training. I soon fell in love with weightlifting and decided to compete as a bikini athlete. One of those days, when I was on my way to the gym, I got hit twice by a reckless driver, caused me severe injuries and back surgery. During my last follow-up visit with my doctor, I was told that I would not be able to lift weights anymore and that I should only focus on light cardio and walking in the pool. The day I left the office, I was heartbroken and very frustrated that due to someone else’s negligence, I must stop doing what I love. A year passed, and I decided to push my fear back and start over and not let anyone or anything stop me from training. Since then, I learned that I could train bright, even with injuries, and still get stronger. Today, I am stronger and happier than before. After years of following a strict diet, I also learned how to make better relationships with food and live a happy, healthy life. I learned that a healthy lifestyle is much more than just dieting. It is about a well-balanced lifestyle that will minimize the risk of future health-related issues.
What I went through is one of the reasons that I care deeply about my clients, and there is nothing of more value to me than helping somebody go through an experience that makes them happy, confident, and strong.
Certified ISSA Personal Trainer
- Certified nutrition coach
Certified Corrective exercise specialist
- BS in Science Physiology
Hello, I am Lernik, a dedicated coach at Strong DNA. You might know me as “Coach L” or “Coach Ella” among our members. My journey in health and wellness began as a personal escape from my own mind and body insecurity and eating disorders. Embracing the world of fitness and nutrition, I discovered a profound passion for aiding others in conquering their mental challenges through exercise and health.
In my experience with strength training, I have realized the crucial mind-body connection. A resilient, strong body fosters a robust mind, and vice versa. Known for my cheerful and high-spirited approach, I draw inspiration from the people I work with and use my vibrant energy as my unique skill set. My mission is to guide clients in fostering self-awareness, enabling them to thrive and strengthen mentally and physically.
Benefiting from mentorship under Coach Ara, I have actively participated in StrongFirst workshops and Perform Better seminars over the past year. I am pursuing certifications in SFG I Kettlebell and Wim Hof method instructor.
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
- Wim Hof Breathing Foundation
TRX Suspension Trainer Qualified Trainer
- BS in Science Physiology